Run android emulator on mac from prompt

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The duplicated port address is just a quirk of how adb displays things when there's an error. I also don't really understand the command in step 4 (I get the idea, but my shell-fu is very weak), so I'm not sure how to troubleshoot. I have the VM's network interface type set to 'Shared Network'. I tried with vnic0 and vnic1 (restarting in between), but neither worked. It also seems to implicitly add port 5555 to the address: when if enter 'adb connect' it would respond with 'unable to connect to' and then if I enter 'adb connect' it would respond with 'unable to connect to' which seems strange (I didn't actually use localhost, just an example here). adb in Windows responds with 'unable to connect to '.

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I followed the instructions, but it doesn't seem to be working. Thanks for the quick reply! As an important side note, I am using Windows 10 Tech Preview so it's entirely possible that the answer is 'it doesn't work in Windows 10 at the moment' and I don't want to waste a lot of your time.